Yeonjun and Seokjin, the most respected oldest in one frame 😂😂 expect the unexpected from them
@Btluvs..ot7..forever6 ай бұрын
True frfr😂😂❤❤
@magicaltxt3046 ай бұрын
True 😂
@leeforui6 ай бұрын
@lovenadia216 ай бұрын
@JiNNiE_KiSs_KOo76 ай бұрын
Moarmy forever 😍
@Jimin_x_mochii6 ай бұрын
The 2 most respected Hyungs of BTS & TXT together matching each others chaotic energy.
@DianaOsazenaye6 ай бұрын
@CC22ball6 ай бұрын
Hey BTS army, can you help our fanbase? I'm from the Caitlin Clark WNBA fanbase, and we heard that BTS loves basketball and support women, we was wondering if you can help support our league by collabing with our fanbase?
@himaririku92546 ай бұрын
@PoojaKumari-w7k6 ай бұрын
@@himaririku9254 Have you losted your mind,this video is about BTS. why are bringing your favourite here? seeking for attention!
@Rainforonly56 ай бұрын
@@himaririku9254 it's a subjective answer of yours buddy ..for you it's skz and for us TXT...and objectives parts this topic you don't wanna see cause then answer will be BTS 🔥 and only answer of this topic can be BTS 🔥🔥🔥 don't fight chill cause BTS is here..❤️
@meredith01306 ай бұрын
Jin is so comfortable with all kinds of people, with all ages. He should really have his own variety show
@LifeSaviour2966 ай бұрын
Yeah that's such a great skill.
@vamostentar.8746 ай бұрын
Concordo plenamente com você 🎉🎉
@himaririku92546 ай бұрын
@taetae17466 ай бұрын
In ur dreams@@himaririku9254
@ahhhkaz52476 ай бұрын
@twiyae5 ай бұрын
6:33 “We had this in Run Bts, we use team Kim Seokjin and we always won” [colliding with RUN BTS universe] reminiscing old times
@evergreenworld12326 күн бұрын
That's what I thought old gold days
@pink_loopy_6 ай бұрын
Yeonjun and Jin’s energy and personalities match up perfectly 🩵💙
@amanda-ip1uw6 ай бұрын
@gyuviinie6 ай бұрын
our bighit hyungs 😭😭
@leminjapan6 ай бұрын
They're diametrically opposite irl lol but they're a great duo on a variety like this!
@queensouia6 ай бұрын
both the eldest, very competitive and both dominant personality!!! love them both!!! 😍😍😍
@JiNNiE_KiSs_KOo76 ай бұрын
@@pink_loopy_ 2 handsome hyungs😍
@Queen._.bae1766 ай бұрын
@VIP_untitled6 ай бұрын
@shuureikou18226 ай бұрын
Wish BTS and TXT have more shows together having fun.
@Rainforonly56 ай бұрын
@@shuureikou1822 yesss
@BTSARMYOT71p6 ай бұрын
What a Comeback Sergent Kim Seokjin King of variety Shows indeed
@lyvermuhin33256 ай бұрын
We excited for that💜💜
@Jumuapa6 ай бұрын
@cateyez14326 ай бұрын
@JiNNiE_KiSs_KOo76 ай бұрын
@@BTSARMYOT71p yeee
@KukuBiswas-q1k6 ай бұрын
@Joyfull_gaming02923 ай бұрын
Jin when he heard the staff say "ur wish is our command" he instantly said i wanna go to the moon😂😂😂i love how he still has his kid energy, our old child❤😂❤❤❤❤
@Herinnerchild6 ай бұрын
World wide handsome and 4th Gen it boy 🫶🏻
@imightbeeverywhere6 ай бұрын
@Roraisroringg6 ай бұрын
@Rainforonly56 ай бұрын
@penelopeszkoda6 ай бұрын
@himaririku92546 ай бұрын
@happyaqua276 ай бұрын
Yeonjun has so much variety charm and I am glad he is getting to show how funny he is!!! My moarmy heart is full seeing the two eldests interact and not just for one but two whole eps!!!
@Kkttrr316436 ай бұрын
The sniff sniff was so funny even the staff laughed.
@happyaqua276 ай бұрын
@@Kkttrr31643 exactlyyyyy
@user-cj8jf7uo9f6 ай бұрын
I agree
@Rainforonly56 ай бұрын
@@happyaqua27 he is awesome
@sanjuktaghanty23726 ай бұрын
Jin really proving why he is variety show king
@karinadarapuspita5 ай бұрын
The fact that Yeonjun answered most of the flirting quiz just proved how often he's flirting with MOA ㅋㅋㅋ And Dong Jun's "You'll get dumped if you use that" made it funnier
@bhumika63386 ай бұрын
Jin knows how to bond with any and everyone, doesn't matter what the person's age, profession, ethnicity etc is. I admire him even more for that
@unique600926 ай бұрын
I totally agree💯 he bonds with everyone that's the unique personality he has everyone don't have
@bernadetteinez72056 ай бұрын
Couldn't agree more
@himaririku92546 ай бұрын
@somethingwentok80056 ай бұрын
@@himaririku9254 I am also stay but Can you please shut up and stop spamming the same comment everywhere? because this video is about Jin so why are you bringing up Straykids here?? there is no need for such comments AND BE RESPECTFUL!!!!
@bts0t7-926 ай бұрын
Seokjin is everywhere The effort he put for fans are something commendable
@k.a.y_lee6 ай бұрын
Ikr,,,2025 is gonna be a blast once our ot7 are back
@FavourIgbinedion-tq1oo6 ай бұрын
@@k.a.y_lee fr
@christabriceno65506 ай бұрын
@@k.a.y_leelet's make a blast for our Seokjinnie this year first 🤗
@jairarteaga42406 ай бұрын
@@christabriceno6550debemos esforzarnos al maximo por Jin 🔥💜
@오영순-r4x6 ай бұрын
ㅋㅋ 재밌게 봐었요 😊
@pink_loopy_6 ай бұрын
Watching Yeonjun’s hip thrusts and body rolls in the beginning while he casually shrugged off his suit jacket was a whole mood-like, he was serving sexy vibes with a side of hilarious! 😭🩵💙
@pink_loopy_6 ай бұрын
@JiNNiE_KiSs_KOo76 ай бұрын
@user-cj8jf7uo9f6 ай бұрын
Hes so handsome and lovely
@릴리엘라6 ай бұрын
석진아 오늘도 많이 웃는 하루 되길
@juanitoalcachofa66696 ай бұрын
The four handsome men just matched their energy all together! OMG they're amazing!!!!
@tiffanycurtis47946 ай бұрын
@himaririku92546 ай бұрын
@jessieanntejero7666 ай бұрын
@@himaririku9254get a life. This is video is not about your faves.
@BWMgyu6 ай бұрын
@@himaririku9254What are you doing here ?
@emaneditsalot5 ай бұрын
@@himaririku9254no one cares
@JosephineAquino-n1y6 ай бұрын
Jin is so handsome even splashing water💜💜💜
@Peaceful__voice_7866 ай бұрын
@himaririku92546 ай бұрын
@오영순-r4x6 ай бұрын
덕분에 재밌었어요 감사 😊
@missmunna81926 ай бұрын
Dia mai dah komen ni 😂😂 @@himaririku9254
@lathikak76416 ай бұрын
@@himaririku9254 for you We can't deny truth that BTS paved the way I also love them but we have to accept the truth even bangchan said it I also love them 😊❤ Pls comment this On stray kids official channel Not on BTS channel 😊
@Sara-lp6ys6 ай бұрын
The people Seokjin brings to his run jin are so nice and I love the chemistry between them
@KnpobuАй бұрын
Yeonjun was just soooo cute throughout the entire episode, his face is just adorable
@모아모아-p2b6 ай бұрын
연준이랑 석진이가 같이 하는 예능이라니,, 그와중에 최연준 솔로 믹테 뭐냐구!! 담주 달려라석진 존버탈게요ㅜㅠㅠ
@Sum_mers6 ай бұрын
2:27 Jin to Yeonjun 😭 : What's up with you? What's that pose? A guest? He just didn't do that 😭 LOL 😭 I can't!! 😂😭
@husnaaah6 ай бұрын
What a comeback seokjin waaaah!!! Yeonjun matches the vibe with jin Kings of variety shows...
@anahyyazmincruz56406 ай бұрын
Seriously, run Jin are the best, they brighten my days Jin is so funny ❤
@stungunTV6 ай бұрын
김동현 vs 진!! 스파링 기획안 꼭 성사되기를 기다리겠습니다🙏🫡 군대 전역보다 어려운 퇴근으로 모시겠습니다!🥰😁
@ijijij135796 ай бұрын
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 오 찐이다~~
@eunkim62136 ай бұрын
싫어요ㅠㅠㅠ 소중히 대해주세요ㅠㅠㅎㅎㅎ
@hamzzi5106 ай бұрын
우와 기획안 꼭 성사되길요🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@abyssmoon-vd3jv6 ай бұрын
반가워요 동현님~~~
@iiliillliiiiililil6 ай бұрын
존버하고있겠슴돠 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@T.X.T_3046 ай бұрын
연준이 많이 아껴주셔서 감사합니다❤ 연준이가 석진님을 많이 존경하는 게 보여요 ㅎㅎ 그리고 진심으로 즐기는 것도요 달려라 석진 더 많이 흥했으면 좋겠어요❤ 방탄소년단 화이팅!!💜
@jjinjj20856 ай бұрын
감사해요^^ 탄이들이 투바투 엄청 아끼는게 보여요 아미들도 방탄 직계 동생그룹 투바투라서 관심갖고 있고 쭉쭉 잘 나가길 바라고 있어요
@Bangtan_massage5 ай бұрын
방탄이랑 투바투만 잘 됐으면 좋겠슴다!!!!
@pink_loopy_6 ай бұрын
Yeonjun, our 4th gen IT BOY and most successful fanboy 🩵💙
@Michu_Amu6 ай бұрын
Who is Yeonjun a fan of?
@theoneazarias6 ай бұрын
@@Michu_Amu his BTS hyungs which Seokjin is a part of Tho idk if there's a particular member that he likes the most and is vocal about it. Nonetheless, ik he respects them equally.
@Rainforonly56 ай бұрын
@@theoneazarias true
@liaarbh31626 ай бұрын
Jimin is his favorite ❤️ But ofc as a ARMY he loves all of them ahhaha@@theoneazarias
@everyday_moa6 ай бұрын
옛날 예능의 재미에 요즘 사람?의 신선함ㅋㅋㅋㅋ연준이 보러왔다가 ㅋㅋㅋ 그냥 예능에 빵터지고갑니다ㅋㅋㅋ
@mamin-t7k6 ай бұрын
김 석진 팀🙌 석진아〜오늘도 재미있었어 연준이도 귀여웠다~ 출연해줘서 고마워요 다음 번에도 기대할게❤
@冬天_096 ай бұрын
Jin's chemistry is chemistrying with all of them. Jin is sunshine that shines everywhere whenever needed. Seokjina, Thanks for existing allabyuuu sm..!
@himaririku92546 ай бұрын
@冬天_096 ай бұрын
@himaririku9254 You love jin so much. I understand. That's y you r in every jin related content, thanks. Keep watching jin videos. Thanks for your views n comment.
@冬天_096 ай бұрын
@himaririku9254 Your comment shows who's King of kpop obviously it's jin for u. That's why you r here🤣🤣
@user-cj8jf7uo9f6 ай бұрын
Yeonjun is so cute handsome and funny. Thanks for inviting him as a guest!
@하늘-h3n2j6 ай бұрын
석진이 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 비가 오니까 담이 오려나 🤣 비담이 이걸 모르다니 물맞아도 잘생김 재미있고 처음에 춤추는거 왜케 귀여워 ㅎㅎ
@VinaYakam-lz3jb6 ай бұрын
Jin is the superstar. He is doing variety shows for the army's. He is naturally talented idol. But still waiting for the reunion of BTS. I miss you BTS.
@himaririku92546 ай бұрын
@VinaYakam-lz3jb6 ай бұрын
Records of BTS is large.
@Mona-pd8if6 ай бұрын
Jin is perfect and more more handsome than haters without makeup Jin is real beautiful world wide handsome you no
@himaririku92546 ай бұрын
@Mona-pd8if6 ай бұрын
@@himaririku9254 yes stray kids is the best 👍 BTS ot7 forever 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
@test-bt5zz6 ай бұрын
@@himaririku9254 go to their site. Here is not abt them. Are you SO STUPID ????
@user-ok9rb8cy9b6 ай бұрын
2を見た後、また戻ってきました! 水に濡れるだけで、どうしてみなさんこんなに面白くて可愛いの〜♡
@katiemarie85806 ай бұрын
Why does this just keep getting better and funnier with each episode 😂😂 Also Yeonjun is my bias from TXT so I love seeing him here!
@choi-naeun295 ай бұрын
@army_9th6 ай бұрын
라인업 생소해서 어색할줄 알았는데 생각보다 재밌음ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ연준 귀엽고 김석진 계속 물맞고ㅋㅋㅋㅋ곽준빈이랑 김동현이 계속 예능해줘서 볼맛남 달찐 매주 나오는 거 진짜 알럽쏘마취...❤
@BulletproofTannies6 ай бұрын
Jin never gets old but he is always getting more Handsome ❤🙈
@zo_zi_te_06 ай бұрын
I agree 😭🎀
@Joonie006856 ай бұрын
Never beating the vampire allegations
@MaryamIdris-qz3ep6 ай бұрын
The second guest being the same age with Jin is just insane
@bamgyuuuu156 ай бұрын
hello army! can you please vote for txt on mtv's instagram story? moas will be voting for jungkook for the best kpop category!! we'll appreciate any help!
@test-bt5zz6 ай бұрын
Soooo true
@제로즈03206 ай бұрын
ㅋㅎㅋㅎㅋㅋ 다들 예능감이다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 저희 연준이 불러주셔서 감사합니다 ❤
@Jjiinn_wwiinn6 ай бұрын
Jin's face is glowing, his personality shines, he is the moon that shines bright in the dark. Thank you Jin for another episode of happiness.
@bamgyuuuu156 ай бұрын
hello army! can you please vote for txt on mtv's instagram story? moas will be voting for jungkook for the best kpop category!! we'll appreciate any help!
@Itsmilly136 ай бұрын
Jin really proved that he is a variety show king. Not many idols can do that, he has the talent to entertain 💜😂✨
@nbsskincare70616 ай бұрын
@Annnnn196 ай бұрын
Omo. I didn't know Yeonjun is working on solo work 😮 it feels like they really grown up now since they will start working on their solo
Help, what's with Yeojun's entire personality? I love him so much... Thank you Jin for this , you're the best
@tanu.016 ай бұрын
Fully drenched in water still so handsome jin , Run jin
@세상멀리뛰기6 ай бұрын
빅히트 맏형즈 케미 좋다~ 🥰🫶 달방×투두 격하게 기다리고 기다리던 모아미라 오늘 너무 행복합니다~ 완전체도 언젠가 볼 수 있기를 🙏
@seyrain35106 ай бұрын
맞네요 빅히트 맏형즈~💜💙 아재개그에 진심인 능청 맏형 둘 덕분에 힐링합니다😂 곽튜브님 김동현님 재미있으시고ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 울 찐❤ 늘 고맙지만 요즘 특히 더 고마워🫂🫂🫂 쫌만 기다리면 호비 나온다 한잔즈 캐미로 다 박살내자구! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
저 물 맞는 것도 많이 아프다던데 😭 🤣🤣🤣 아미 웃게 하려고 애쓰는 석진 💜 넘 고마워요! 💜💜💜🥰😍
@minkim97246 ай бұрын
y'all the chemistry seokjin has with every guest is SUPERB. This episode is funny and entertaining
@jasna89776 ай бұрын
The very thought of Jin will bring a smile to our face. Thank you Jin for always being there for us.
@amnehalshaar16 ай бұрын
@thvww6 ай бұрын
Jin never fails to make us laugh.❤❤
@lyvermuhin33256 ай бұрын
Of course💜
@heeismine76 ай бұрын
@brookscymАй бұрын
I love this Run Jin episode. This should be a regular show with different guest. I’d get my fill once a month. 😂
@TAHappy-n1yАй бұрын
Hello! Run Jin is indeed a regular show, and it currently has 17 episodes with different guests. A new episode drops every Tuesday at 8 PM KST. You can check out the Run Jin playlist to watch all the episodes. 😊
@SiamtalukderrudraSiamtalukderr6 ай бұрын
Seok jin is real world wide handsome
@mimichakawaii57136 ай бұрын
Jin looks so handsome and cute His laugh is contagious And he is getting along with everybody
@USERNS2026 ай бұрын
Jin is getting handsome day by day❤
@mylenejinjwan8216 ай бұрын
@White24Bleu6 ай бұрын
Yeonjun and seokjin are so cute and respectful ❤❤
@sobeautiful-vp8vo6 ай бұрын
트레일러만 봐도 너무 재밌고 웃음을 멈출 수가 없었어요. '런진'의 매 회차를 항상 기다리고 있어요! 석진 오빠, 출연진 분들, 그리고 뒤에서 도와주신 모든 스태프 분들께 감사드려요. 석진 오빠 사랑해요!♡♡♡ SEOKJIN MARRY ME?
@Arrrrrrt23676 ай бұрын
와 피부 뭐야? 진짜 애기피부네 ㅋㅋㅋ구호 연준이라하자 바로 진으로 바꾸는 예능감...어떡할꺼야
@가을-i8g6 ай бұрын
김동현님 재치있고 입담 좋은분인데 여기서 뵈니 더 반갑네요😊 연준이도 곽준빈씨도 함께 해주셔서 감사해요😊 석진아 열일 해줘서 고마워 💜
@firstaccountslide10118 күн бұрын
HAHAHAH Jin does deserve his OWN show!! He is so amazing entertaining his audience and guess!! Natural talent!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@martabitty6 ай бұрын
우리 진 왕자님은 항상 우리에게 기쁨을 주시고 계십니다. 사랑해요🥰🇧🇷
@and-rm7xy6 ай бұрын
석진이의 재치있는 기획 덕분에 추억소환+진짜 많이 웃었어.😍🤩🥰 철푸덕철푸덕🌊~물벼락이 넘 무겁게 느껴지면서도 넘 귀여워서들 우째! 🤣🤣🤣 함께 해주신 월드와이드 게스트분들께도 진심어린 감사를 표하며-👏👏👏 다음 주도 기대만땅!!! 함께 달릴게. 김석진팀 파이팅!!!🏃♂️💕
@soojin-m8y6 ай бұрын
연준 준빈 동현님 석진이와 케미 좋네요 담주 넘 기대된다
@김나영-e9i6u6 ай бұрын
울 찐이 아재개그 고수인데 군대에서 흔련시키느라 감이 조금 떨어졌지만 금방 적응해서 아미들 마음 꼭 잡어서 놓어주지 않을 듯 방탄이들 꼬리가 아홉인 여우들이 아닐까 매력이 파도 파도 끝이 없어.💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
@무념무상-o6h6 ай бұрын
우리진이 진짜 열일하네...물맞는거 안쓰러운데 깐석찌는 또 너무 잘생겼다...💜💜💜
@Dariia_006 ай бұрын
Jin with wet hair and an open forehead is the most beautiful in the world😮😍👑💜💜💜
@moa_5696 ай бұрын
연준이 불러줘서 감사합니다 선배님.!! 진님 얼굴이 빛이 나네요
@bp527622 күн бұрын
What a fun game…Jin did great💜😘💜🌎
@tjfgh906 ай бұрын
우리 연준이 완전 잘 하는 아재개그❤ 거기에다 억울하게 물맞기까지ㅎㅎㅎ 완전 개그캐릭터 잘 잡고 잘 놀고 왔네요~ 연준이가 부르는 새벽 2시의 신데렐라 ost boyfriend도 많이 많이 들어주세요😊
@루미나리-z6h6 ай бұрын
빅히트의 아재개그의 원조가 bts jin이죠.ㅋ.ㅋ 400~500개를 머리에 담고살더니, 지금은 즉시즉시 만들어내기도 하더라구요
@user_12oioiw5 ай бұрын
긍까요 ㅠㅠㅠ 울 쭈니 아재개그 넘 잘해요 ㅋㅋㅋ 기여워 ㅠㅠ
@user_12oioiw5 ай бұрын
@@루미나리-z6h? 우린 연준이가 원조라고 안했는데요 ㅋ.ㅋ
@SHp74206 ай бұрын
석진이, 김동현 님, 곽튜브 님, 연준 님 모두 예능감 넘쳐서 시간순삭 근데 예고 마지막 곽튜브 님 어떻게 그 자세로 날아가시지? 저런 식으로 날아가는 사람 처음 봄 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@NathaliaNunes-ee9li6 ай бұрын
진, 이번 Run Jin 에피소드도 정말 고마워요. 얼마나 웃었는지 말로 다 표현할 수 없을 정도예요. 정말 재미있었어요. 프로그램 정말 축하해요, 내 사랑. 매주 화요일을 행복하게 만들어줘서 고마워요. 많이 사랑해요, 내 천사.
@mehrasasultani53606 ай бұрын
7:03 they're so mean 😂 the way jin backed him up real quick
@sanjanasinha15366 ай бұрын
I am in love with seokjin since he has returned he is literally collecting army like Pokémon’s and I just love yeonjun and jin together
@뫄뫄뫄뫄뫄6 ай бұрын
연준이 출연시켜주셔서 감사합니다!! 다른 게스트분들도 짱 ㅎㅎ
@JMJ-25836 ай бұрын
Our precious MOON is working SO hard just to give ARMY happiness and healing. His kind soul is so sincere and generous. We truly don't deserve this sweetheart of a man.
@dukjilnugaba5 ай бұрын
석지니 머리띠는 모얔ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 다른 느낌 4명 모이니까 시너지 장난없당ㅋㅋㅋㅋ❤
@아미애나-k3t6 ай бұрын
석진아 얼마나 기다렸는지 몰라! 항상 응원해💜
@AsthesticBunny6 ай бұрын
Jin never fail to make us laugh. And he become handsome day by day. Not old❤❤❤
@zalli23406 ай бұрын
SEOKJIN ❤ 젖은 머리에도 너무 잘생겼어
@kashishsahu3736 ай бұрын
It was a lot of fun, full of laughter and joy. Jin oppa is amazing. He was extremely attractive in the final scene when he wore the hairband.
@Bts-jk1997bo6 ай бұрын
슈퍼참치 1억 뷰 축하하고 석진이 행벅하자☆!
@felipenewell73836 ай бұрын
@kvlog58036 ай бұрын
아 너무 재밌어서 3번 봤당 연준이 너무 귀엽고 웃기다 ㅋ석진 선배님과의 케미 미쳤고 선배님 슈퍼참치 어버버 할때 귀여우세요 우리 쭈니 자컨에 초대해주셔서 감사합니다 ❤😊
@Jk_s--gurl6 ай бұрын
Every time jin comes he brings a big smile on our face❤️🩹🥹he is such an hardworking person ✨🧿
@wootteolovesseokjin73306 ай бұрын
Yes lets support all his works and brand ambassador
@幸運の揺りかご6 ай бұрын
We must do keep doing ❤❤❤❤@@wootteolovesseokjin7330
@istobh0006 ай бұрын
This is very entertaining, but I'm distracted by Jinnie's beauty. The hairband only shows more of his face and forehead. So beautiful.
@MyARMY-eh3uq6 ай бұрын
이번 에피소드는 정말 놀랍고 재미있을 거라고 확신합니다!!!🦊💜
@staygold46516 ай бұрын
꺅~~~ 석진 연준 너무 좋아😍💜💜💜😍
@Nellie17806 ай бұрын
JIN is taking over the most of Variety shows and Magazines. Like seriously. Now I understand how it was easy for him to just give away his months of military Salary to his BTS members as Birthday gifts. He knows he can make double when he came out 😂 what a hard working hyung 😊
@test-bt5zz6 ай бұрын
Make double ? Are you ok? U must be kidding 😂😂😂😂
@_yueeee6 ай бұрын
진이 너무 조아앙
@정태연-f7s6 ай бұрын
김석진.... 계속 봐도 잘생겼다...
@하늘이파래서-n4i6 ай бұрын
물폭탄으로도 감출 수 없는 절대존잘 김석진....아...행복하다
@SanjidaAfraz6 ай бұрын
Yeonjun and Jin's energy and personalities match up perfectly 💜💐
@MrsDeniz2710 күн бұрын
I knew jin was handsome but didnt know he was this handsome until today. Even after getting so many water splash he look so handsome.
@rkivesforever6 ай бұрын
can't wait to see seokjin's solo adventures with his hilarious antics and adorable charm. this is definitely going to be the show we’ve all been waiting for!
@MiyaJinne6 ай бұрын
진짜 뭘해도 예쁘고 사랑스럽고 멋진 우리 석지니 🥰💜🥰💜 동현님 곽튜브님 연준님 울 석지니랑 함께 해 주셔서 더 즐겁고 행복한 시간이었어요 감사합니다
@blspace6 ай бұрын
오늘 하루도 힘들었는데 ㅠㅠ 덕분에 웃을 수 있겠구나 항상 고마워!!!
우리 진은 날이 갈수록 예뻐지네요! 귀엽고 재능도 있고. 계속하세요...이게 BTS RUN 분위기를 주었어요...보고 싶어요!
@Sachiniimalsha-ip8pq6 ай бұрын
Yeonjun and jin energy and personality match up perfectly ❤
@nadiaafrinmazumder53806 ай бұрын
Jin is the guy who make comfortable ppl with around him..... Yeonjun feel comfort aroud him ❤ jin is the most comfort member ever ~
@Bqksoeombqix6 ай бұрын
석진아 왜이렇게 귀엽녀ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜ
@imrfua6 ай бұрын
🐟슈퍼 참치 1억 뷰 축하드려요🐟 진님 똑닮은 귀엽고 사랑스러운 기프트송 고맙습니다♡
@daniellebennis21263 ай бұрын
I love when TXT hangs out with BTS they are so funny when all together i hope that we get to see them together more This episode is so funny