[슈취타] EP.10 SUGA with WOOZI

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#슈가와취하는타임 #슈취타 #SUGA #슈가
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@sabrinafaisal1300 Жыл бұрын
It's really funny that even Suga and Woozi both agreed that they are long lost brothers😂
@shizucey 2 ай бұрын
@stephanygabas6854 28 күн бұрын
My teenage sefl would be happy to see this
@impassionategods_ Жыл бұрын
woozi’s production never fail to amaze us, same goes with yoongi. now we need *PROD SUGA and PROD WOOZI* collab!
@MoArmy1319-p Жыл бұрын
The most fascinating thing is they look alike..!!
@Subway_Clash_3D_Ta Жыл бұрын
@meg_dances6235 Жыл бұрын
​@Prana 9714 from the tiny thumbnail I literally thought suga was interviewing himself again😅
@ichigo_800 Жыл бұрын
Yes 😌
@craftervivan1234 Жыл бұрын
it's so funny that yoongi and woozi have been called father and son for years now and finally they meet. woozi literally looks like yoongi but proportionally smaller 😂
@seungminsunshine9180 Жыл бұрын
and we're always thought yoongi is the smallest in the group until urie woozi exists 😭
@hnaunntin5484 Жыл бұрын
No completely different
@ZaimArts Жыл бұрын
@seungminsunshine9180 Жыл бұрын
@@hnaunntin5484 ikr
@memoonaabid Жыл бұрын
hi why woozi does not drink????
@redfox1509 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for having Woozi! He rarely goes out on shows and getting to hear his thoughts, the behind, and getting complimented from someone who knows what is involved in music production was soo nice.
@shrutiagrawal3777 Жыл бұрын
Reasons how yoongi and woozi are like long lost brothers:- 1. Kinda lookalike (approved by yoongi) 2. Think alike (as seen in this convo) 3. Both are genius self-taught producers and lyrical masters. Both received the 'Best Producer Award'. 4. Cat looks and cat personalities 5. Both have long term friendship with their leaders- yoongi & namjoon 13 yrs; woozi & scoups 14 yrs 6. Smallest height in their groups 7. Cute yet savage 8. Even the same hidden talent- dancing skills that leave everyone shocked!! 9. Both are anime lovers (woozi is a bigger anime freak tho!) Add if you figure out more clues!😉
@mayma1508 Жыл бұрын
Its like 2 cats talking, i love it
@limxinhui353 Жыл бұрын
What anime do they watch?
@dianaosazenaye1313 Жыл бұрын
Are we a sure they not family?
@btshatersneedhighfiveonface Жыл бұрын
I loves your comnent
@13army613 Жыл бұрын
Anime lovers?? Since when 💀 where did he (suga) say that
@mluv5668 Жыл бұрын
never in my life i would think woozi and yoongi are sitting in one table!! thought it’d be impossible since they’re so busy! got me so excited now it’s here
@issaymorne8708 Жыл бұрын
This is what I've been praying to happen especially when Suga started Suchwaeta 🥲🙏🙏🙏 and finally, this is it 😭😭 my two Greatest Biases in one frame and talking about the things they love 😭😭😍😍😍
@darling_woozi Жыл бұрын
Fr me too!!
@darling_woozi Жыл бұрын
@@issaymorne8708omg Fr they are my ultimate biases too!!
@aliifahbianca5504 Жыл бұрын
they are both my ultimate biases too! omg!
@darling_woozi Жыл бұрын
@@aliifahbianca5504 omg!!
@gabdominates Жыл бұрын
Yoongi's interview skills are becoming so comfortable and professional. He can lead conversations effortlessly now without having any awkward pauses
@Guitargoddess843 Жыл бұрын
I think it helps that Woozi is very much his speed as a person. Similar interests and mindsets often lead to feeling more comfortable
@gmmartines7331 Жыл бұрын
​@@Guitargoddess843 this 😊
@banah7308 Жыл бұрын
@@Guitargoddess843 yes! Plus they’re already close off cam so it helps a lot too!!
@evantesseract737 Жыл бұрын
@@Guitargoddess843 Absolutely - I think both of these are true. He's gotten better, but he and Woozi are clearly comfortable with each other from the start. I thought they might actually be the same age until Woozi called him hyung 😂
@jilldaubresse5873 Жыл бұрын
There isn't a shred of jealousy between Suga and the other talented artists he invites to his show. He is so encouraging to everyone. Suga is a treasure.
@gabdominates 4 ай бұрын
This part. I love how encouraging he is
@bilabongbongi1551 Жыл бұрын
Let’s all say thank you to Wonwoo’s dad for giving wonwoo laptop during their trainee days, and Wonwoo for letting woozi use it!!!!!
@bevbee9372 Жыл бұрын
Your names sounds familiar from moco no?
@bilabongbongi1551 Жыл бұрын
@@bevbee9372 nope 😃
@minmeaoww Жыл бұрын
For real 😩
@himaririku9254 Жыл бұрын
@Eun-Seo-jpeg Жыл бұрын
@@himaririku9254 what-
@FriendsofEnemiesBand Жыл бұрын
These two are absolute beasts at producing music. We need a collab. The universe will shake when that happens.
@JackInTheBox0294 Жыл бұрын
Also they looks alike😄
@scoups_of_suga Жыл бұрын
If this legendary "Brothers" collab happen, it will be the end of everyone.
@Lizille78 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely! This has to be done! Unfortunately will have to wait for all 7 members of BTS and I think 11 members of Seventeen to do their military service.
@Lizille78 Жыл бұрын
​@@JackInTheBox0294 A lot of Kpop fans said that they look like twins.
@JackInTheBox0294 Жыл бұрын
@@Lizille78 haha)
@arurung02 Жыл бұрын
우지 예쁘게 봐주셔서 감쟈합니다 아미여러분 우아해ς(>‿
@meg_dances6235 Жыл бұрын
☺️💜 보라해 보
@elsyromy3039 Жыл бұрын
@꾸꾸사랑해-e8c Жыл бұрын
보보님 우아하고 보라합니다 ❤ 💜
@DRFGBFF Жыл бұрын
@minssi39 Жыл бұрын
캐럿분들, 세븐틴분들도 우아해!!
@erinjung6263 Жыл бұрын
이거 보니까 호시랑 제이홉도 얘기 나누는거 있음 좋겠다....우지가 음악 얘기하면서 너무 잘맞는게 보였던것처럼 호시도 춤 얘기하고 멤버들 얘기 하면서 서로 너무 잘 맞지 않을까ㅜㅠ
@doh.tokyo_ Жыл бұрын
당신은 예언자였구나
@erinjung6263 Жыл бұрын
@@doh.tokyo_ 느에?? 이게 찐이라고요 어디서 합니까 어디서 볼 수 있나요
@양념묻은감튀 Жыл бұрын
​@@doh.tokyo_예언자?라구요? 아직 제이홉이랑 호시 둘이서는 만난적 없지않아요? 서동요 드립인가요?
@xuga.7 Жыл бұрын
​@@양념묻은감튀 그 메이크업숍? 에서 만났었어요 라방에서도 호시가 얘기 했었어요! 파이팅해야지 활동때 만난것 같아요!
@user-eung_aeeee Жыл бұрын
​@@양념묻은감튀서동요 드립 ㅇㅈㄹㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ ㅈㄴ유식하게 웃김 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅠㅠㅠㅠ
@Jay-pz9tl Жыл бұрын
물론 다른 세븐틴 멤버들도 그렇지만 총괄리더인 에스쿱스, 메인 프로듀서인 우지도 그렇고 세븐틴이라는 그룹에 대한 애정을 확실하게 어느 프로그램을 나와서도 당당하게 말해주니까 캐럿들도 믿고 응원 할 수 있는 것 같아서 너무 보기 좋음.. 우지가 이렇게 음악적 이야기를 진지하게 할 수 있는 프로그램에 나온 것도 너무 좋다
@aubertcoline752 Жыл бұрын
32:25 Woozi himself asking Suga to do the Wooahae pose while he was himself struggling with it years before is mesmerizing
@Noone-ue6xo Жыл бұрын
thanks to hoshi and the other members influence, he got more used to it 😂
@starlight-0503 Жыл бұрын
That was cute
@asifs100 Жыл бұрын
He did it today on national television too....loving Woozi confident era
@Bn128bpm_ys Жыл бұрын
와 맨날 둘이 닮았다 생각했는데 남들도 그랬구나 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@user-jfiahjglmvsuz5fg4ebj Жыл бұрын
항상 그렇게 생각했었는데 당사자들도 그렇게 생각한다는게 너무 안심? 되고 재밌음ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@woowon4511 Жыл бұрын
@claire6898 Жыл бұрын
나만 느끼는게 아니였어 ㅋㅋㅋ
@exo10anniversary5 Жыл бұрын
슈가가 더 못생김
@MINWOOK99 Жыл бұрын
진짜 사람들이 똑같은 생각 하고있다는게 놀라움 그것도 당사자들도..
@innahkatie6985 Жыл бұрын
9:27yoongi once again predicated the upcoming event. . Congrats Svt for winning the award for album of the year with the super album🎉🎉🎉
@Multi_staN- Жыл бұрын
This is what I'm looking for ( 😅) luv ur comment
@cloudy_withachance Жыл бұрын
@acforsale5802 Жыл бұрын
Carats and Army Unite 🤝
@nay72711 Жыл бұрын
Yoongi did it again!! I watched this episode again because I missed Yoongi and to see if he predicted the success of "Super - Seventeen", and indeed he did!! 🙌🏻🤗💜
@sheilaperez-pf6mv 9 ай бұрын
​@@acforsale5802yea we are unic
@onlythe8star Жыл бұрын
아미 친구들 우리 우징이 좋게 봐줘서 감사합니당~ 앞으로도 방탄과 세븐틴 많이 사랑해주세요^^ 아미 화이팅 캐럿 화이팅!
@melanyb1470 Жыл бұрын
I think Seventeen is with the agency HYBE. Okay, HYBE is a corporation that has several agencies and Plebis is the agency SVT is signed with. Just like BTS and TXT are signed to BigHit another and original agency. Thank you🫰🏼🫶🏼💜
@xshxxos Жыл бұрын
@ssaha3560 Жыл бұрын
​@@melanyb1470 *
@jessicapicoy627 Жыл бұрын
@Carnibee Жыл бұрын
화이팅 💜💜💜
@shreyashenoy Жыл бұрын
This episode is so heart warming. Whenever any Seventeen memeber talks about Seventeen, you can feel the love they have for each other. The thought " as long as the others are happy, i am also happy" is so beautiful.
@boraflix Жыл бұрын
RM even said they're doppelgangers hahahaa. I love this episode. I get to know more about SEVENTEEN. I casually listen to their songs and even vote for them in US award shows in categories they deserve.
@lenoraphuahjiahui8809 11 ай бұрын
Welcome to seventeen carat fandom
@아이고두야-v5j Жыл бұрын
정말 건강한 마인드고 여전히 자기가 세븐틴이라는 건 변함없다고 생각하는 거 같아서 진짜 우지가 존경스럽다… 멘탈관리 너무 잘한다
@caroliina0 Жыл бұрын
my humble request to Carats and Armys plz don't fight no matter what. look at them how happy and comfortable they're with each other. Don't let silly fanwars ruin that.
@TheHedgehogGiraffe Жыл бұрын
Same here~ as a Carat I think that fanwars are very silly. Why would you waste energy on being mad when you could use that energy to give love and support to the group you like?? SEVENTEEN fighting! BTS fighting!
@angelicarios6654 Жыл бұрын
Yes, please! I'm an ArmyCarat, I really LOVE BTS and SEVENTEEN. Let's just be happy together ❤️
@scoups_of_suga Жыл бұрын
With my years of being an ARMY, I haven't seen both fandom clashed. Most of ARMYs & Carats know that these 2 groups are close even before Pledis got acquired by HYBE. I have my trust in both fandom. 💜💖💎
@yuchiarr7771 Жыл бұрын
That’s what I wanted to say! Too many people (especially in China) were attacking Seventeen members for coming to this show, but the fact is that both Suga and the guests were really happy to have such a conversation
@KikiKpopKrazzzy02 Жыл бұрын
@@TheHedgehogGiraffe i just don't understand why the need to have fanwars. They are so stupid and unnecessary and it causes drama against not only the fandom but also the artists. Its just very sad
@Appu_001 Жыл бұрын
11:31 The fact that the editors have to specially mention that Scoups spoiling the double comeback is a "real-life situation" is literally so funny... Yes that's our fearless, loving and caring leader S.COUPS
@맘-v6b Жыл бұрын
아미분들 지훈이 좋게 봐줘서 고마워요!! 슈가님도 너무 잘 해주셔서 재밌게 본 것 같아요 방탄 세븐틴 화이팅!
@meg_dances6235 Жыл бұрын
😊💜보라해 보
@loiannyc Жыл бұрын
데 나다! 💐 아모 세븐틴! 💜
@신라면짱 Жыл бұрын
아미이구 캐랏임당... 쌍둥이 드디어 만났다니 너무 좋아ㅠㅠ
@lyclover816 Жыл бұрын
방탄 세븐틴 화이팅!~~
@김보라보라해 8 ай бұрын
아미지만 세븐틴 처음 나왔을때부터 방탄처럼 힘들지만 멋지게 이겨내는과정이 같아시 항상 잘되길 기도했던 세븐틴입니다 항상 같이 오래오래보아여
@KKY-y2p 6 ай бұрын
나왔을땐 그냥 아무 생각없이 슈가 위주로 봤다가 요새 세븐틴에 갑자기 빠져서 우지 위주로 보니 너무 세상 이쁘다..
@hosshhoi6680 Жыл бұрын
I had goosebumps when yoongi mentioned how both SVT & BTS started from the bottom! and how they built their own companies.
@ot7boooriginal747 Жыл бұрын
@msrawsonara9914 Жыл бұрын
Received , Many Thanks !
@trendymz Жыл бұрын
Yes. A lot of people are discrediting SVT, saying that they only became famous after HYBE acquired Pledis, but that actually isn't true. Seventeen saved Pledis from Bankruptcy. Already are one of the most famous 3rd gen boygroups even before the Hybe Labels existed.
@RenwanSorahan 3 ай бұрын
​@@trendymz fork haters, man, they only know how to discredit hard working people. bangtan and SVT started from 0, look at where they are now, only those who couldn't do as much are bitter. let them be that way.
@ahanaghosh246 Жыл бұрын
I am not a CARAT neither have I seen any interview of Woozi prior to this. But the way he speaks with clarity, maturity, gravitas,weightage and conviction, I really liked him. Every answer is so well thought and well crafted. He has a long way curved in front of him. He is so humble, polite, mature and knows what he is doing.
@dyelle_ Жыл бұрын
there's no way you're not a carat
@SvtStan_Caratfvr Жыл бұрын
If you are not one then you should be one
@lorcanzo2498 Жыл бұрын
What are Carrats?
@SvtStan_Caratfvr Жыл бұрын
@@lorcanzo2498 it’s a fan group name for seventeen
@sthetic9197 Жыл бұрын
​@@lorcanzo2498 That's Seventeen's fandom and Carat* 😁
@creativivi8 Жыл бұрын
this is what it looks like when the kpop industry is literally sitting at a table to have a casual chat. they are legends. period.
@lenoraphuahjiahui8809 Жыл бұрын
@yaaahoooooo Жыл бұрын
우지 진짜 멋있는 사람이네..
@btr2394 Жыл бұрын
The way WOOZI speaks highly of his members, and thanks them and CARATS for everything is so beautiful. SEVENTEEN has gotten so far because of the way they are and their mindsets. And that’s what CARATS love about them
@해영-y8l Жыл бұрын
우지는 매번 좋은 곡을 뽑아내는지 재능이 참 대단한 친구야 세븐틴은 세븐틴만의 독보적인 분위기가 있는데 우지가 잘 잡아준 덕분인듯 항상 놀랍네요
@와아-n8p Жыл бұрын
호시편 슈취타때도 느꼈지만, 먼저 앞길을 개척하신 슈가sbn께서 현재 우지에게 가장 필요한, 그리고 가장 듣고싶은 말들을 해주시는 것 같아서 너무 감사해요ㅠㅠ진짜 슈가선배님 최고,,,낯 많이 가리는 우지가 생각보다 훨씬 편해보여서 평소에 되게 좋아했구나 싶기도 하고ㅋㅋㅋ9년간 존버한 귀한 투샷 이번에 봤으니 이제 슈가X우지 콜라보 존버해볼랍니다. 9년간 참 한결같은 사람인 우리 지훈이 진짜 우아우아우아우아해!!
@user-bu9wn7si1t Жыл бұрын
둘이 진짜 형제 같다곸ㅋㅋㅋㅋ킄ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ우지 진짜 생각도 깊고,멋진 프로듀서임…자신이 프로듀서라는 자부심 갖고 앞으로도 파이팅 했으면 좋겠다
@eugeniamarch Жыл бұрын
woozi saying he releases songs when every member approves... now it makes so much sense why it's been 8 years and i still am in love with every new song
@believeinyourself06 Жыл бұрын
They have really diverse opinions so that any fan can like them 🫶
@Caratstream.lmf.rightnow Жыл бұрын
they really respect everyone's opinion and gives their best to us 😊😊
@Lexloves808 Жыл бұрын
Woozi speaks so intelligently and wisely about music, it's amazing to see him and Yoongi get to talk as amazing producers and song writers 💜
@hananurra6122 Жыл бұрын
Two geniuses talking in same language. Both shows how deep they're into music, their team being priority, dedication into their works. I'm falling hard to Woozi once again. His love to members and carat is beyond imagination. I'm in awe! Thank you Suchwita for this great content
@shilpashah6630 Жыл бұрын
They look like twins, they think like eachother, Both are genius producers of their groups and both are the tiny savage hyungs of their respective groups, the similarities between them are hilarious 😆
@hananurra6122 Жыл бұрын
@@shilpashah6630 that ain't wrong
@msrawsonara9914 Жыл бұрын
Received , Many Thanks !
@sarojgedam3320 Жыл бұрын
@@shilpashah6630 and they're both short?
@shilpashah6630 Жыл бұрын
@@sarojgedam3320 yeah they are the shortest in their groups
@impassionategods_ Жыл бұрын
okay now i want them to visit each other’s studios and do a collaboration IT WOULD BE EPIC OMG
@edaanastasiasoyuak3831 11 ай бұрын
let them cook
@rsa01639 11 ай бұрын
@@edaanastasiasoyuak3831 😂😂😂
@lekha21920 Жыл бұрын
Two people being similar not only in terms of looks but also in terms of character and mindset is insane😮
@sl3975 Жыл бұрын
The moment yoongi asked jihoon “are you having a fan sign” I knew it was gonna lead to the challenge 😂 he’s obsessed and I love it. So cheeky
@suba_v9940 Жыл бұрын
Which country you r?
@채예-w7z Жыл бұрын
@julicbo Жыл бұрын
Them both came from another province, debuted in small companies and became producers. They are introverts who seem cold at first but have the warmest hearts, always thinking first about their team and their members. You can even see it in their eyes how music and their members are the love of their lives. They could really be the same person 😂❤
@bettycook29 Жыл бұрын
That's what I was thinking too.. they are so much alike.. it's almost scary.. 😳😳
@julicbo Жыл бұрын
@@bettycook29even them were scared 😂
@ajamzmom4882 Жыл бұрын
Like RM said doppelganger. They could really be the same person.
@Joy-de8vc Жыл бұрын
IKR !! It's almost scary ..like woozi said parallel universe
@bettycook29 Жыл бұрын
@@julicbo and THAT is the funny part in all of this.. 🤭🤭
@_darumdarimda Жыл бұрын
woah even after all the songs you made, Woozi is still as humble as ever. He never thought of himself as just a sole producer nor he thinks that he himself only owns the music but always give credits to the members. this you can see the big secret why Seventeen's music and the members themselves are always one with the music. they are definitely more than 100% doing something they love open heartedly that is very rare in kpop/music industry.
@user-jb2dl1en3c Жыл бұрын
우지는 개인적으로 현 세대 한국에서 제일 좋아하는 작곡가 작사가 프로듀서. 세븐틴 노래는 시간이 흘러도, 듣고 들어도 질리지가 않고 들을 때 마다 새롭고 설레는 긍정적인 감정을 줘서 좋다. 조화로우면서도 동시에 다채로운 멜로디를 잘 뽑아내서 곡 참 잘 쓴다는 생각이 절로 들고 계속 다음 곡을 기대하게 만듦
@ongyeangong Жыл бұрын
@eodi-m6z Жыл бұрын
와씨 위에 광고 6개ㅡㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@user-uk1gk1sd65k Жыл бұрын
작사작곡 실력 다 받고 곡 분위기에 어울리는 사운드도 잘 믹싱하는듯 감각이 탁월하고 곡에 공들인 티가 남
@team_snow12 Жыл бұрын
👆 👆 바로 여기서!!! 광고가 여섯개 달렸다 ㅋㅋ
@kerenidajen Жыл бұрын
Yoongi’s taken by Hoshi frr. He really likes the kid. This is probably the most technical suchwita episode so far. These two really connect- Woozi and Yoongi. I can see these two speaking music at gym going forward 😂
@staceypop4BTS Жыл бұрын
I love how Suga and Woozi speak the same music language. It’s like watching two geniuses in the music lab understanding what gives music life. They build it, take it a part and, bit by bit, build it back better. It’s nice to see Suga talking music with a like mind such as Woozi. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
@adotf7027 Жыл бұрын
when he said svt album gonna be epic and it’s true yoongi ya … their album won daesang this year
@lenoraphuahjiahui8809 Жыл бұрын
Yoongi said are never wrong 😊
@BTS1SMYUN1VERSE 7 ай бұрын
@samyaamor 5 ай бұрын
Crazy how it became their top 1 most sold album!!!
@Sahd9597 4 ай бұрын
what Yoongi predicts always comes true❤
@areidda Жыл бұрын
I've never seen Suga this confortable with someone out of BTS. They really are alike... Both talented, with pretty clear thoughts and convictions.
@dominiosss1474 Жыл бұрын
I mean he straight up said F*ck My Life when Woozi brought up the mini album name lmao. He is definitely comfortable since he gives no fucks to filter himself haha
@msrawsonara9914 Жыл бұрын
Received , Many Thanks !
@maursi7275 Жыл бұрын
@manishanaidoo5023 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely admire how humble Woozi and Suga are. Both have accomplished so much through their effort and hard work.
@rosme1434 Жыл бұрын
Suga and Woozi show respect was humble interview. BTS is only friends be with SEVENTEEN. Suga will invite interview Seventeen each member different everyday. Next invite S.COUPS.
@himaririku9254 Жыл бұрын
@dishaa_1705 Жыл бұрын
I loved how Woozi constantly talking about members and how he want to be with them for a long time!! SEVENTEEN ❤❤❤❤❤
@solaria2798 Жыл бұрын
it's fun to see the difference between Hoshi's and Woozi's time with Suga lol. Hoshi was so shy and timid at first, until he got tipsy and starts going "hyung, hyung". then we have a conpletely sober Woozi here who's already comfortable with Yoongi. it's so sweet lmao.
@fatimakookie5255 Жыл бұрын
I am both an ARMY and a CARAT, this is so heart warming. I just love artists being so respectful and nice to each other, as well as their fans. Hoping for more collab with these two amazing producers “BROTHERS”. Uri woozin and yoongi.
@asianms.9083 Жыл бұрын
If you tell me years ago that BTS and Seventeen would be in one company and then one day Woozi and Yoongi will be interacting like this.. I NEVER EVER would have believed you. This feels like a fever dream
@trendymz Жыл бұрын
Interactions could be possible because back in 2016, we can already see interactions between SVT and BTS, but I agree I never imagined them being in the same label.
@Svtrighthere2019 Жыл бұрын
I mean I’m not sure why that would have been so crazy to think. They have had tons of group interactions. Plus some members are besties like 97 line and 95 lines has had a bunch of interactions.
@live3374-r6n Жыл бұрын
세븐틴 그 마인드 그대로 유지해줘 캐럿으로써 너희가 그런 얘기 해줄 때마다 너무 좋다. 절대 의심하지 않아 항상 함께하자.
@vashticueto1803 27 күн бұрын
I can't look at them both at the same time, its like looking at yoongi when he's in his mid 20's and the other is his his 30's huhu.
@aliyafa8604 Жыл бұрын
Woozi’s such a genius producer but also humble person that’s the most amazing about him
@Boos_minseok Жыл бұрын
우리 우징이 좋게 봐줘서 고마워요 아미들💜💙
@meg_dances6235 Жыл бұрын
😊💜💜💜 borahae
@potatomammal3773 Жыл бұрын
Am an army and carat, so my heart is overfilled😭
@jeanne131 Жыл бұрын
안 좋을 수가 없네요. 둘이 쌍둥이인걸요.
@bbab07891 Жыл бұрын
아미들도 세븐틴 응원합니다👍
@꾸꾸사랑해-e8c Жыл бұрын
윤기랑 우지님 만나는거 나 넘나 기다렸다구용😢 감덩이예여 넘나 사랑스런 조합이댜 ❤ 💜
@EchoesBlackSwan Жыл бұрын
I can tell that Yoongi really does respect Woozi. They not only look similar, but they think similarly too. It’s like Yoongis looking at a younger version of himself.
@evantesseract737 Жыл бұрын
They are *so* much alike - I love how quickly they understand each other! They're both straightforward, passionate about music. The fact that they look alike just makes all the other similarities a bit spooky 🤣
@Abvgdejziklmnoprst Жыл бұрын
They have the same mbti
@REHAMMohamedFaisal Жыл бұрын
they even have the same hair style to go with the similar face.....
@alpacafish1269 Жыл бұрын
@@Abvgdejziklmnoprst THIS!!
@emilianoherrera3975 Жыл бұрын
Bts o tu mamá
@MINWOOK99 8 ай бұрын
두 천재의 조합 아미와 캐럿들은 미치고 펄쩍 뛰는 조합 그냥 둘 케미 더 보고싶어요 둘다 애옹이라 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 심지어 둘다 음악에 미친 사람들임 ㅠ
@shreyachugh5339 Жыл бұрын
Yoongi likes Woozi soo much fr, like he's totally like "oh yeah i like this kid". This episode is so amazing, watching two of the most musically talented people together is epic fr.
@hoompangi Жыл бұрын
both of them came from a humble beginning. coming from a small agency and having their own struggles. now they're success by their own way. seeing their growth through the years really make me proud ;;;
@nvnchi5048 Жыл бұрын
32:23 woozi calling yoongi “hyung-ie” and asking him to do the wooahae pose while yoongi literally just followed along without even hesitating i just 🥺🥺🥺 plus woozi’s laugh after too ahhh this interaction is so so wholesome
@Pradbitt223 Жыл бұрын
No it’s a part of sentence not hyungie in a lovely way
@bluecatt0rso Жыл бұрын
영어에는 조사(postpositional particle)가 없어서 생긴 오해입니다. 한국어를 배우면 무슨 뜻인지 알게 될 겁니다.
@minparkari6215 Жыл бұрын
yoongi literally does whatever he is asked to do no matter what, my babies I love them so much
@arujimi13 Жыл бұрын
Suga and woozi literally look like brothers...both in behaviour and look...and in everything so far ❤❤❤ 2:08 the most funniest moment in daechwita history by Joshua 😂😂😂
@mr-qm6qd Жыл бұрын
Suga is really making me fall for some other groups. Like why is Woozi such a cutie pie?? I love how this show is bringing other artists in my life
@cyntheiaa Жыл бұрын
this is your sign to give seventeen a chance! I'm sure you'll love them
@gojosupremacist Жыл бұрын
Try listening to their songs im sure you’ll love them !!
@just_meow1279 Жыл бұрын
Notice how both of them worked so hard and look how far they came. So proud of you both. BTS, SVT fighting!!!!
@오이-c3p Жыл бұрын
슈취타 덕분에 우리 우지 속마음도 알았네요🥲❤️ 얼마나 부담감이 있었을까 라는 생각이 먼저 들더라구요..그걸 또 해내줘서 고마워 우리 우지와 슈가...🥹❤️
@missfatemaakter617 Жыл бұрын
@valciraci Жыл бұрын
Woozi and Yoongi...Yoongi and Woozi....same same but different! Two geniuses, two parallels, two beautiful worlds, the producers of the best k-pop groups BTS and SEVENTEEN. I loved this episode, my ArmyCarat heart is so happy!
@sumyathnynn Жыл бұрын
The way he mentions about his members on top of everything and his dedication on Seventeen,music and carats.I am a proud carat.
@msrawsonara9914 Жыл бұрын
Received , Many Thanks !
@jihankindhearts4417 Жыл бұрын
I was so happy to see woozi talks a lot in an interview coz it's rare, woozi usually gave briefs answers but hearing him talks with suga is just like..ahhh, our woozi really found someone who had same wavelength as him. Suga and Woozi are two composers and artist that I look up the most coz their persona radiates their music, the passion they had on their works really dwells on me and the message that gave to their fans is just reality and encouragement and I love them for that.. its a fun and cool episode again and just love and anticipate the "BROTHERS" in near future for 5th gen..hahaha
@user-gs6ro9ei8e Жыл бұрын
세븐틴과 캐럿들 오래오래 함께 가자! 건강하고 행복하자
@carat8045 Жыл бұрын
아잇 모르겠어 그냥 가는 거야 모르겠어 몰라 몰라ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@even_ingsky Жыл бұрын
그러자 꼭😊❤
@samadhisubasinghe9354 Жыл бұрын
IDK why I see two ට letters here though
@Uzzuragojinjja Жыл бұрын
​@@samadhisubasinghe9354 it is a joke in korean like I |_ ove you
@지민이-z2t Жыл бұрын
30:22 진짜 캐럿으로써 어쩔수없이 걸릴 공백기 가 참 막막하고 섭섭했는데 슈가님 말을 들으니까 조금 위로가 되는것 같아요. 앞으로 세븐틴도 방탄도 오래오래 캐럿이랑 아미랑 함께 가요. 우리 딱 20년만 더 합시다!!!!
@jessicaglass Жыл бұрын
I love the fact that woozi and yoongi are in the same room talking. Two very amazing producers. The only thing is I get distracted by how much they look alike 😂 I was like dude this is the first time seeing them together and they do look like twins.
@denareese6293 Жыл бұрын
Holy cow! I thought Yoongi was interviewing himself at first glance. The resemblance is incredible. What a polite young man, it seems he and Yoongi have a lot of similarities other than appearance.
@Appu_001 Жыл бұрын
17:00 Woozi: "We maintain our own colour but there's also some change within that and I think that's our biggest charm in a way" This really explains SEVENTEEN's music. Even if you are not a fan you can still feel those special and unique vibes from SEVENTEEN's songs that differentiates their music from other people... SEVENTEEN are truly so talented and amazing artists
@shinysarah2708 Жыл бұрын
Fr! Thts so true cause i hv been a k-pop stan for a while now and sometime no matter how much i love a grp ... I kinda come to a point where i feel like talking a break but with svt i Never felt tht !
@김은서-i1d Жыл бұрын
둘이 진짜 말이 잘 통하는게 보인다 두그룹 둘다 너무 멋진그룹
@젠지-u7j Жыл бұрын
우지씨 오늘 첨 봤는데 생각이 꽤 깊으시고 마인드가 참 멋지시네요💜 세븐틴이 왜 잘될 수밖에 없는지 알 것 같아요 역시 잘 되는 그룹은 다 이유가 있다니까 멋있다 세븐틴+캐럿 오래오래 쭉 함께하길 응원합니다 방탄과 아미도 그럴거구요 우리 같이 오래가요💜💜💜💜💜💜💜👍😊
@INFP-sg8mb Жыл бұрын
우지 좋게 봐주셔서 감사합니다💜💜 보라해💜💜
@meg_dances6235 Жыл бұрын
😊they're both so precious, hoping both can stay together forever 🎉
@moonfairy2201 Жыл бұрын
Woozi's story of how he became a producer is so touching wow
@ginaprisca8040 Жыл бұрын
Im goosebumps when suga ask do you have hobby? And says " Do you know why? Coz make music more fun " 😭😭😭 they're really soultwin
@msrawsonara9914 Жыл бұрын
Received , Many Thanks !
@mariamedina2328 Жыл бұрын
Yess !!! Coz make music more fun ~ i love that
@사람-b7x Жыл бұрын
윤기 오빠가 확실히 오랫동안 음악을 해왔고 작곡가를 꿈꿨다 보니 예언이 거의 다 맞는 것 같아요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 평소에 아이돌을 별로 좋아하는 편이 아닌데 프로듀서, 작곡가를 꿈꾸고 있는 학생으로서 유일하게 좋아하는 두 그룹이 방탄소년단이랑 세븐틴이거든요 그런데 이렇게 두 그룹 다 좋은 평가 받고 있어서 너무 행복하고 정말 높은 가치를 가지고 있는 그룹인 것 같아서 존경스럽습니다😊
@jimins._.sixpack Жыл бұрын
As a guest I really appreciate with woozi how he respectful and kind towards our host thankyou woozi for giving your support to yoongi....
@A-A-A1870 Жыл бұрын
I am in love with your profile pic🤣
@user-yh7ix2ow1p Жыл бұрын
Woozi is wise beyond his years. Its so nice to see him say he will be confident and not shy away from compliments about his producing. He's earned it long ago, he deserves to enjoy it.
@Iseeyou0165 Жыл бұрын
9:23 the fact a lot of people even suga actually predicted that ‘super’ by seventeen is gonna be a hit!!! My carat’s heart is filled hahah
@siukbang9617 Жыл бұрын
두 천재의 만남 최고다! 둘 다 단단하고 여유있고 멋있는 분들 같아서 보는 내내 편안...세븐틴 방탄 이미 일군이지만 더더 잘됐으면 좋겠다
@coopermaniac6889 Жыл бұрын
The love that Woozi has for the members cant even be described by words.
@msrawsonara9914 Жыл бұрын
Received , Many Thanks !
@ming1151 Жыл бұрын
캐럿이자 아미인 저는 그저 감격스러워요.. 이 하얀 애옹이들이 함께 음악얘기하는 걸 보다니 🥹
@ZariDV Жыл бұрын
Woozi and Hoshi are both so different but it's clear that they're from the same group. They share such similar energy when they talk about their team and fans. It's so sweet to see the love in their eyes when they talk about other members and their carats. I hope Woozi and Suga really do that collab together. I'd be interested in hearing how something like that would sound.
@maisaraazmyr216 Жыл бұрын
Woozi has an amazing vocal and suga can rap amazingly
@msrawsonara9914 Жыл бұрын
Received , Many Thanks !
@Triloree Жыл бұрын
I really appreciate the fact that Suga mentions how the fans could be busy in their lives, but when they finally get around to the music, they go "waaah, this it it!". By the time they come back as BTS, I'll be busy in residency. I may not be able to tune in for their lives or contribute to the views during MV premier, but I'll always get around to it and my love for them will remain the same. I'll always be waiting for BTS to come back 💜
@maryamsayed938 8 ай бұрын
You are a doctor??
@kookiexie Жыл бұрын
I'm an armycarat and today's suchwita episode felt like a mirror conversation. Both woozi and suga are so similar and they think the same about so many things. Music is their top priority and they value teamwork over their personal work that's so appreciateable. I loved the episode, the atmosphere was so warm and comfortable. Seventeen fighting!! Bts fighting!!
@Moon_9213 Жыл бұрын
I love the way Yoongi validates peoples opinions and thoughts while also giving and expressing his own opinions on different subjects. He truly listens and really digest what the other person is saying. They’re both so genuine about their craft and intentions, that’s what makes me love Woozi and Yoongi.
@Its_allaboutlove Жыл бұрын
The burden woozi is feeling as the music producer of seventeen is so much that he gives his 100% for seventeen by not even thinking about his own projects. He is a genius producer 👏🏻
@msrawsonara9914 Жыл бұрын
Received , Many Thanks !
@likeacrow Жыл бұрын
그래. 우지 보면서 너무 슈가 같다고 생각했는데, 나만 그런 게 아니었잖아. 역시 사람 보는 눈 다 같다ㅋㅋㅋ 어쩜 새하얀 피부도 똑같고 목소리 결도 닮아서 슈가 미니미 같아.
@Stephanie_newyorklife 8 ай бұрын
진짜 콜라보 언제 하냐...
@Stephanie_newyorklife 8 ай бұрын
슈가랑 슈가 주니어
@Pars_ Жыл бұрын
Suchwita is Suga's way of shut down the haters who disrespect other idols and fandoms. He's like, "see we get along, you can fight all you want but we're friends hahaha..take that"
@AGULL Жыл бұрын
Hope it count for armies as well. I see them always attacking other idols/fans😑
@sunheepark4705 Жыл бұрын
​@@AGULL say the same for carats 😑
@adityabiju1359 Жыл бұрын
​@@sunheepark4705umm no carats don't start pointless fan wars
@sunheepark4705 Жыл бұрын
@@adityabiju1359 you've never seen fanwars so lmaoo, last week they started one and they were fighting ghosts and then they pretend to be victims and go priv
@adityabiju1359 Жыл бұрын
@@sunheepark4705 wow I really don't remember this happening. Had it been such a huge issue that would have been pointed multiple times by both carats n army's.
@skydeonu9118 Жыл бұрын
Yoongi and Woozi both agreeing that they would love to work together and do a collab, and call the group, “Brothers” since they look and think similarly as producers. Woozi also says he has some things in mind already and Yoongi told him to just send over the tunes so its more of a natural exchange of ideas 🥺 The best producers connecting and sharing ideas rather than being competitive with one another 🫶
@jasonremy8688 Жыл бұрын
Woozi and suga absolute genius producers .. true artists ... They're so versatile it's insane.
@WhippedForJeonJungkook Жыл бұрын
Suga and Woozi looking like long lost brothers, the similarity is uncanny 😍❤️
@sysy8186 Жыл бұрын
Yeah 😅
@JAnugya Жыл бұрын
They r the small prod guys from their groups :)
@neininhra1273 Жыл бұрын
Yeahhhh. .ෆ⁠╹⁠ ⁠.̮⁠ ⁠╹⁠ෆ.
@shilpashah6630 Жыл бұрын
@@JAnugya omg yess both of them are the tiny hyungs of their respective groups 😂
@msrawsonara9914 Жыл бұрын
Received , Many Thanks !
@siasiyo Жыл бұрын
하씨 민윤기 오랜만에 봐서 너무 심장 아팠는데.... ....도플갱어라니....어쩐지... 요즘 세븐틴 자꾸 보이는데 자꾸 밍윤기가 보여(?)..... .... 내 심장이 2배 더 아파온다.... 심쿵사로...
@gayathrics2683 Жыл бұрын
Woozi is so well spoken. He truly is a genius
@msrawsonara9914 Жыл бұрын
Received , Many Thanks !
@Sebisajiminstan Жыл бұрын
I absolutely love how much Seventeen just. Love each other? You can clearly tell both SVT and BTS have this in common- the group is always the number one priority. Period. And it’s been obvious for years now, how not one member out of the 7, nor the 13, has ever tried standing out in a group promotion. Which makes them more coherent, which makes the group itself stand out. I think there are multiple factors to their succes, of course, but i feel like this is an important part of it. Fans will feel that energy and respond to it. We’re seeing now how BTS deals with their separation, and i hope they can lend some advice to SVT for when the time comes. Also, can’t tell you how glad i am this show finally brought these two groups in contact, even if it’s just Hoshi, Woozi and Yoongi as of now. While I can’t call myself a carat, i have been a fan of Seventeen since 2015, and they are the only other group aside from BTS I actively listen to constantly, so this long awaited crossover makes me so incredibly happy. Like, you can tell Yoongi is so taken with both Hoshi and Woozi, now. He mentioned Hoshi 4? 5? times lool.
@hippiehill1 Жыл бұрын
Not trying to be creepy but I sincerely wish I had an army friend like you, what you wrote explains how I feel so well. I have only met one army in person and sadly we didn't stay in touch
@daniyaf3729 Жыл бұрын
Yes!! i think that's why i'm attracted to seventeen, because they reminds me so much to bangtan. Their groups friendship is unbeatable. At this rate i think if any other kpop agency wants to make "another bts" they should realized by now, the only way is to make the groups member rely on each other. And also the most important thing is balance
@keenaamarillia6763 Жыл бұрын
U think the excatly as i am the only diff is im army first (its my 7years with them) and got to carat land during hot era😁 (sooo im just baby carat☺️) I think what makes me attached to them is how similiar they are. Both are from the small company,they make their own music from the start,the struggle they are going thru,and also both of them makes the agency begin bigger and bigger with their own hard work... I just hoping and manisfesting that both group,my 7 man from bangtan and 13 boys from svt could do some activity together. I already can imagine how chaotic they are😊😊
@supremereborn2796 Жыл бұрын
I really love this episode both yoongi and woozi have same mind,same direction and if they really make a song it will be a huge hit for sure
@marzzzbuzzz5203 Жыл бұрын
Bruhhhh im waiting for that day to come hahahahah😂
@msrawsonara9914 Жыл бұрын
Received , Many Thanks !
@user-rm6mx6lq4i Жыл бұрын
우리 윤기 오빠..우리가 계속 남아있을 것이라는 확신과 믿음을 갖는 게 너무 좋다..우리가 영원할거라고 외친 말들이 의미가 있네ㅎㅎ 뭔가 우리의 사랑을 알아봐주는 느낌이랄까 앞으로 같이 잘 늙어가봅시다 사랑해 진짜루~~~~🥰
@PALMpdjk Жыл бұрын
I'm really thankful that Woozi came to this show. So appreciate seeing him talking a lot, thank you SUGA so much for listening so well. This show means a lot to me. Thank you!
@sheritarodriguez5911 Жыл бұрын
Me too!! I love him talking! With all his noisy members, Joshua, Jun,the 8 and Woozi have a hard time getting a word in!😢
@hotarukoyuki2222 Жыл бұрын
I love that Suga understands that the team is more important than anything else. Cause no one would care for solos if it wasn’t for the team.🥺🥺
@보라보라-f9q Жыл бұрын
난 아미지만~ 우지씨 넘 멋지네요! 잘하는건잘하는거고 자랑스러운건 자랑스러운거지! 응원해요세븐틴!
@bird-top Жыл бұрын
방수종❤캐희라 뽀레버 ㅎㅎ
@mbg73able Жыл бұрын
Woozi is so loyal to his team and Carat, he always have them in mind in whatever he do..❤
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